6 Steps To Follow To Acquire Wealth

As I was rereading Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich”, I came across a fantastic method of training your mind to acquire money. The accumulation of money in our society has become a frowned upon achievement by many, but as I have grown older, I know that this type of thinking has become destructive to our country.

Many people view money as the root of all evils, but I feel that how people use money and their intent dictates whether money will be used for good or evil. If you view money as not necessary or as evil, then your chances of attracting money will diminish dramatically.

Money allows a person to be more of who they are. If you are a jerk, then money will allow you to become more of an unpleasant person, but if you heart leans toward charity, then money will allow you to express that side of your personality. I always tell my friends that poor people are not the ones building schools and hospitals, and money is energy that fuels the economy. The more money that I can earn, the more that I can donate to charity and utilize for worthy causes.

My goal for the Jake & Gino community is to create multifamily entrepreneurs, where these people can take control of their financial future and contribute to the growth and prosperity of our country. I encourage all the readers to follow these six steps and you will attract all the money you want and deserve.

Here are Napoleon Hill’s 6 Steps:

  1. Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire.
  2. What are you going to give back to get this money.
  3. Establish a date by when you will acquire money.
  4. Create a definite plan and execute.
  5. Write out a statement stating how much you desire, the time limit and what you intend to give to get the money.
  6. Read statement allowed, during day, when you wake up and before you go to bed.

6 Steps To Follow To Acquire Wealth | Watch the video


efore bed, your subconscious works on it. There is some truth when people tell you to sleep on a problem and wake up refreshed and with an answer. Your subconscious will be working all night on a solution.

Fix in mind the exact amount of money you desire

You need to pick an exact figure and burn that amount into your mind. This is the point where you don’t undersell yourself. Shoot for the stars. I don’t want you to say “I want a lot of money.” I want to hear you exclaim emphatically “I want 5 million dollars, or I want to earn $20,000 per month.” It is crucial to pick an exact figure and put emotion into your exclamation.

What are you going to give to receive this money?

There is nothing for free in this world, and that includes the accumulation of money. What are you going to give or sacrifice to earn this money? Is it going back to school and learning a new skill, is it working extra hours, or is it seeking out a mentor? Only you know what you are willing to “give” to achieve your goal.

Establish a date

Procrastination is one of the biggest causes of failure. Most of us go through life waiting for the perfect time to start something. Do not wait. There is no better time that the present. Establishing an end date forces you to take action, and will activate your subconscious to get to work towards your goal.

Put that date in your calendar, and refer back to the date often!

Additional Read: The Honey Bee

A business parable that teaches the value of cultivating multiple streams of income—the surest, most achievable means of creating generational wealth.

the honey bee

Create a definite plan and execute

What endeavor are you going to pursue to attain your riches? I chose real estate as my vehicle to procure my riches. I wrote out my business plan and shared it with my business partner. Together, we took action toward our goal. A plan is important, but action is even more important if you are to achieve your goals. A journey of one thousand miles begins with one small step. As they say, a goal without a plan is just a wish.

Write out a statement stating how much you desire, the time limit and what you intend to give to get the money

Putting your ideas down on a piece of paper is the first step to the realization of your desire. A thought is fleeting unless it becomes a desire and is written down so that your subconscious can go to work towards your goal. I hear many friends say they want to earn just enough to pay the bills and have some money left over for retirement. Sadly, the subconscious latches onto to these self-limiting beliefs and produces these exact results.

Thought > Desire > Action > Result!

Read statement allowed during the day, when you wake up and before you go to bed

There is some truth when people tell you to sleep on a problem and wake up refreshed with an answer. Your subconscious will be working all night on a solution. While you are reading your statement, feel yourself in possession of the money you desire.

If you have a burning desire to accumulate the money, then you will have no problem in convincing yourself that you will attain it.

I have begun to use incantations in my daily activities to help activate my entire body towards a goal. Incantations put me in a high mental state where I feel “in the zone” and ready to conquer the world. You can use your daily statement as an incantation to remind yourself of your desire for money. Speak your incantation out loud and repeat it several times.

I have chosen money in this article as a desire to attain. You can substitute any other desire in your life, whether it be your health, family or career. The key is to possess a burning desire and then to follow these six steps I have outlined. Check out our student success stories to see where these steps can take you.

Good Luck and I wish you a prosperous journey. Leave a comment below and let us know if these six steps help you along your journey.

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