Buy Right: Learn Successful Ways to Invest in Multifamily Property

12 July 2024

Passive Investor Pro: Learn How To Create Passive Income in Real Estate [Passive Investor Pro Series]

Tired of the headaches associated with traditional real estate investing? This article introduces you to the concept of passive real estate investing, a strategy that allows you to reap the benefits of real estate ownership without the day-to-day hassle of managing properties. The video, presented by Gino Barbaro of Jake and Gino, a community focused […]

3 June 2024

What Questions Does a Limited Partner Need To Ask A General Partner

The world of real estate investing can be alluring, promising lucrative returns and a chance to build wealth. But for many, navigating this complex landscape can be daunting. This is especially true for Limited Partners (LPs), who contribute capital to ventures managed by General Partners (GPs). While GPs hold the expertise, LPs have a crucial […]

24 May 2024

Cracking the Code to Capital Raising: A Review of Sal Buscemi’s “Calling the Capital: 20 Ways to Incorporate Urgency Into Your Capital Raise”

In the ever-evolving world of real estate, raising capital can be a significant hurdle for aspiring investors. Sal Buscemi, a seasoned investment banker with over $300 million raised for real estate deals, offers a comprehensive roadmap in his book “Calling the Capital: 20 Ways to Incorporate Urgency Into Your Capital Raise .” This book review dives […]

22 May 2024

The Difference Between The Poor, MIddle Class & Wealthy Mindset

The Three Financial Mindsets: Stepping Up Your Financial Game Financial freedom – the ability to live comfortably without relying on a traditional job – is a dream for many. But achieving it requires a specific mindset, a way of thinking about and managing your money. This article explores the three main financial mindsets: poor, middle […]

21 May 2024

How You Can Achieve Financial Freedom By Using Your Baby Money Soldiers

Imagine your finances as a powerful army. Every dollar you earn is a brave soldier, ready to be deployed in the fight for your financial freedom. This is the core idea behind the “Baby Money Soldier” concept, created by Jake and Gino. Jake and Gino developed this concept specifically to address the challenge of achieving […]

Safeguarding Your Investment: A Guide for Limited Partners in Multifamily Real Estate

This article dives into the world of multifamily real estate investing, specifically for those considering becoming a Limited Partner (LP). While multifamily investing offers potential advantages, understanding the risks and conducting thorough due diligence are crucial for protecting your investment. Are You Cut Out to Be an LP? The excitement of multifamily investing can be […]

15 May 2024

What is Cost Segregation and How Does It Work for Multifamily Investors

This article dives into a powerful strategy for multifamily real estate investors: cost segregation. It explores how this approach can significantly reduce your tax burden and boost your overall return on investment. Understanding Cost Segregation Imagine a property you own is a single unit. Typically, the entire value depreciates over a lengthy period, say 27.5 […]

13 May 2024

Understanding Real Estate Market Cycles

This article dives into the concept of real estate market cycles, unpacking the four stages that define the ever-shifting landscape of the industry. By grasping these cycles, investors can make informed decisions about buying, selling, and holding properties. The Four Stages Recession: The market hits rock bottom, characterized by falling prices, high vacancy rates, and […]

Proven Marketing Strategies in Multifamily: The Conveyor Belt Theory

Tired of waiting for the perfect deal? This video breaks down the “conveyor belt strategy” for multifamily real estate investing, popularized by Jake and Gino Barbaro. Learning from Experience The core message? Don’t be afraid to get started, even if your first deal isn’t ideal. Jake and Gino themselves began with a rough 25-unit property. […]

11 May 2024

What Is A Good Profit Per Unit (PPU) in Multifamily Real Estate?

In the world of multifamily real estate, where investors juggle factors like appreciation, cap rates, and cash flow, a key metric often gets overlooked: profit per unit (PPU). This article dives into the importance of PPU, particularly for investors seeking long-term financial freedom through steady cash flow. What is PPU? Unlike metrics that focus on […]

How To Lower Your Multifamily Insurance Premiums

The multifamily property market can be a goldmine for investors, but the rising cost of insurance can eat into your profits. In this article, we’ll unpack the secrets to lowering your multifamily insurance premiums, empowering you to make informed decisions and safeguard your investment. Why are Multifamily Insurance Rates Rising? The speaker in the YouTube […]

What Is a Cap Rate?

Ever wondered how real estate investors evaluate potential properties? They delve into a metric called the cap rate, a key indicator of an investment’s potential return. But what exactly is a cap rate, and why is it so important? This article cuts through the jargon and explains the cap rate in a clear and concise […]

How to Build a Multifamily Syndication Business: A Step-by-Step Guide

Ever wondered how to tap into the growing world of syndication? With interest rates at rock bottom, investors are hungry for alternative investments, making syndication a powerful tool. But where do you even begin? This article, inspired by Gino Barbaro’s YouTube video, cuts through the confusion and provides a clear roadmap to building a thriving […]

6 May 2024

How To Invest in a High-Interest Rate Environment

The world of real estate investment is constantly evolving, and interest rates play a significant role in shaping the market landscape. This article explores how rising interest rates can impact investors and provides strategies for success in this environment. Interest Rates and Real Estate Traditionally, lower interest rates make borrowing money for investments more affordable, […]

5 May 2024

Real Estate Syndication: Understanding the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

This article explores real estate syndication, a popular investment strategy in the multifamily market. It dives into the pros and cons of syndication and offers insights for investors considering this approach. What is Real Estate Syndication? Real estate syndication involves pooling capital from multiple investors to purchase and manage a large property, typically an apartment […]

15 April 2024

How to Negotiate Your Next Multifamily Deal: Mastering the SPY Technique

This article dives into the world of multifamily real estate negotiation, offering insights and strategies to close your next deal on favorable terms. The Importance of Negotiation The ability to negotiate effectively is crucial in any business venture, and real estate is no exception. It’s not just about getting the lowest price; it’s about understanding […]

21 March 2024

The Strategic Path to Becoming a General Partner in Multifamily Real Estate Investing

Embarking on the journey to become a general partner (GP) in multifamily real estate investing is an endeavor that promises not just financial rewards but also the opportunity to play a pivotal role in the success of property investments. This article outlines a strategic approach for aspiring investors to transition from novices to influential GPs […]

12 January 2024

Mastering the ‘Buy Then Build’ of Business: Unveiling Acquisition Entrepreneurship

In the world of entrepreneurship, success often appears elusive, with many startups facing daunting odds of failure. Even those who manage to overcome these odds often find themselves struggling to exceed a million dollars in revenue. But what if there was an alternative approach that could significantly improve your chances of success? This is where […]

5 January 2024

Real Estate Investing Outlook 2024

As we stand on the threshold of 2024, it’s an opportune moment to peer into the future and discern what lies ahead in the multifamily real estate market. While none of us possess a crystal ball for precise predictions, we can draw insights from past trends and analyze current indicators to make educated guesses. This […]

27 December 2023

Is Now the Right Time to Invest in Multifamily Real Estate?

In the world of real estate investing, timing is everything. As an aspiring real estate investor, you might be wondering if now is the right time to enter the market. In this article, we will explore why, in the words of Gino o, co-founder of Jake and Gino, it is unequivocally the right time to […]

21 December 2023

How To Invest in Multifamily Real Estate with No Money Down

Multifamily real estate investments are often hailed for their potential to provide substantial cash flow, tax benefits, and property management ease. These properties, comprising two or more residences within a single structure, offer a remarkable opportunity for investors to diversify their portfolios. But what if you lack the liquid capital to make your entry into […]

How to Build Wealth Through Real Estate Investments: The Power of Equity

Real estate has long been a favored avenue for accumulating wealth, and for good reason. It offers opportunities for growth, passive income, and the potential to achieve financial freedom. In this article, we’ll delve into the key takeaways from a thought-provoking discussion on the importance of equity in real estate investments. The Epiphany: Equity Makes […]

12 December 2023

Understanding the Differences Between Investing In Multifamily & Single-Family Homes

Real estate investment options are diverse, with multifamily and single-family properties representing two distinct avenues. Each type offers unique advantages and considerations that investors should comprehend before making investment decisions. Financing Variances One of the primary disparities between multifamily and single-family homes lies in financing structures. Multifamily properties typically involve shorter-term mortgages with different terms […]

26 October 2023

Understanding the Structure of a Multifamily Real Estate Syndication

Multifamily real estate syndication is a high-potential investment strategy that allows multiple investors to pool their resources to collectively purchase and manage apartment buildings. It provides an opportunity for passive investors to participate in real estate deals without the need for hands-on management. In this article, we will delve into the structure of a multifamily […]

21 October 2023

Top 10 Due Diligence Mistakes Made by Multifamily Real Estate Investors

Multifamily real estate investments offer significant potential for stable cash flow and long-term financial growth. However, the success of such investments heavily relies on thorough due diligence. Due diligence is the process of investigating a property’s financial, operational, and legal aspects before making an investment. Unfortunately, multifamily investors can make mistakes during this crucial phase […]

7 October 2023

 How To Evaluate Real Estate Syndication Deal Sponsors: A Comprehensive Guide

Real estate syndication is a popular investment strategy that allows individuals to pool their resources to invest in larger and potentially more lucrative real estate projects. While the investment property itself is crucial, the role of the deal sponsor is equally vital. Deal sponsors are the individuals or firms responsible for identifying, acquiring, managing, and […]

26 September 2023

How To Start Your Real Estate Syndication Company

Starting a real estate syndication company can be a lucrative venture, but it requires careful planning, knowledge of real estate markets, legal compliance, and a solid network of potential investors. Below, we outline the key steps to help you get started on this exciting journey. Step 1: Educate Yourself Before diving into real estate syndication, […]

How To Choose the Right Market for Multifamily Investing

Selecting the ideal market for multifamily real estate investments is a critical decision that can significantly impact your success in the industry. To make an informed choice, consider the following key factors when evaluating potential markets: Economic Stability and Growth Investigate the economic stability and growth potential of a market. Look for cities or regions […]

13 September 2023

Real Estate Investing in a High-Interest Rate Environment: To Invest or Not to Invest?

In the ever-evolving world of real estate investment, one question that often looms large is whether it’s a prudent move to invest when interest rates are riding high. It’s a query that has perplexed many investors, both seasoned and newcomers alike. With the ups and downs of the economy, interest rates can fluctuate, posing a […]

Key Demographic Trends Apartment Investors Must Consider for Long-Term Success

In the ever-evolving landscape of real estate investment, apartment complexes have emerged as a particularly enticing asset class. The allure of consistent rental income, potential for property appreciation, and diversification benefits have drawn many investors into this market. However, like any investment, success in apartment investing relies heavily on understanding and adapting to shifting demographic […]

2 September 2023

Wholesaling vs. Multifamily Syndication: A Comprehensive Comparison

In the realm of real estate investment, two distinct strategies that often capture the attention of investors are wholesaling and multifamily syndication. These approaches offer unique opportunities for generating profits, but they come with their own sets of intricacies and considerations. This detailed guide will walk you through the nuances of wholesaling and multifamily syndication, […]

1 September 2023

Multifamily Investing Vs. Fix & Flip: Choosing the Right Real Estate Strategy

When it comes to real estate investment, two prominent strategies that often come into play are multifamily investing and fix and flip. Both avenues offer unique opportunities for investors to maximize their returns, but they also come with distinct approaches and considerations. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve deep into the world of real estate […]

23 August 2023

1031 Exchange Single Family into Multi-family: All You Need To Know

A 1031 exchange, also known as a tax-deferred exchange or like-kind exchange, is a provision in the United States Internal Revenue Code that allows an investor to defer paying capital gains taxes on the sale of investment property if the proceeds are used to acquire a similar or “like-kind” property. This can be a powerful […]

15 August 2023

Exploring Seller Financing Pros and Cons: What You Need to Know

In the realm of real estate transactions, seller financing has emerged as an intriguing option for both buyers and sellers. This innovative approach offers a unique set of opportunities, along with some potential pitfalls. In this article, we’ll delve deep into the seller financing pros and cons, shedding light on how this arrangement works, who […]

9 August 2023

10 Questions to Ask When Buying an Apartment Complex

When considering buying an apartment complex, it’s crucial to gather comprehensive information from the seller to make an informed decision. Here are ten essential questions to ask the seller before proceeding with the deal: Reason for Selling What is the primary reason for selling the apartment complex? Understanding the seller’s motivations can provide valuable insights […]

3 August 2023

How Much Does It Cost to Build a 10-Unit Apartment Complex

Are you considering venturing into real estate development and wondering about the costs involved in building a 10-unit apartment complex? Building such a complex can be a lucrative investment, but it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of the expenses you’ll encounter along the way. In this article, we’ll break down the various factors that […]

26 July 2023

What is a Multifamily Syndication? How is it structured?

Multifamily syndication is a real estate investment strategy where multiple investors pool their financial resources to collectively invest in and acquire large-scale multifamily properties ...

22 July 2023

Due Diligence Tips for Multifamily Investors

Investing in multifamily properties can be a rewarding venture, offering the potential for consistent cash flow and long-term wealth. However, before diving into any multifamily investment, conducting thorough due diligence is paramount to mitigate risks and ensure a successful investment. In this article, we will explore essential due diligence tips for multifamily investors, equipping them […]

20 July 2023

IRR vs. AAR: A Guide for Multifamily Investors

As a multifamily real estate investor, it’s essential to comprehend various financial metrics that can help you make informed decisions about your investments. Two key metrics, Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Average Annual Return (AAR), play crucial roles in evaluating the profitability and performance of investment opportunities. In this article, we will explore the […]

17 January 2023

How To Get Into Your First Multifamily Real Estate Syndication

A syndication is simply a partnership between a group of investors pooling their resources into a…

15 January 2023

How Do Limited Partners In A Syndication Get Back Their Initial Capital

By Joel Heck One of the most important responsibilities for a sponsor in a syndication is protecting their investors’ capital. The business plan for a syndication may last 2, 5, or 10 years, but eventually the limited partners in the deal will want their money back. If you’re a limited partner in a deal, it’s important […]

15 September 2022

A 401(k) is Risky. Here’s a Safer Investment Strategy

[Excerpt from the article authored by Jake Stenziano, for Entrepreneur Magazine] Real estate investment is arguably safer than traditional investment methods. If you are

23 November 2021

5 Challenges to Overcome When Investing in Multi-Family

Often when we think about multi-family real estate investing, we think about all the “shiny” aspects of it: the scalability, the ability to invest

20 September 2021

The Pros & Cons of Multifamily Real Estate Syndication

In the previous article, we described what is a multifamily syndication. In this article, I want to present to you the pros and cons…

20 April 2021

Avoid These Mistakes When Analyzing Multi-family Real Estate Deals

The following is adapted from Creative Cash by Bill Ham, Gino Barbaro, and Jake Stenziano. Analysis is key with creative and seller financing (CSF), a type…

1 April 2021

How to Find Good Multi-family Real Estate Deals

The following is adapted from Creative Cash by Bill Ham (author), Gino Barbaro (contributor), Jake Stenziano (contributor). Anyone who has experience in multi-family real estate will…

27 February 2021

The Three Characteristics That Every Investor Looks For A Successful Investment & Why Multifamily Nails All Three

Consumers nowadays have the option to invest their hard earned money in countless investments, ranging from crypto, to real estate, to stocks and bonds…

9 February 2021

What Are The Four Phases Of A Real Estate Market Cycle

How to Use The Four Market Phases To Buy Right One of the biggest mistakes when I began investing in real estate was being…

4 February 2021

Gino Barbaro Reviews ‘Creative Cash’ – A Book Authored By Bill Ham

This is arguably one of the timeliest real estate books to come to the market in years. We are in a transitioning economic market,…

29 January 2021

The 7 Steps to Goal Setting

We have all been told that goal setting is one of the keys to leading a successful and fulfilling life. Unfortunately, only approximately 5%…

11 January 2021

Understanding The Six Human Needs & How to Satisfy Them All

By Gino Barbaro Every human on the planet has six basic needs, and learning these six needs will guide you to leading a more…

7 January 2021

6 Steps To Follow To Acquire Wealth

As I was rereading Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich”, I came across a fantastic method of training your mind to acquire money. The…

10 December 2020

How To Perform Jake & Gino’s Three-Step Due Diligence On A Multifamily Property

How To Perform Jake & Gino’s Three-Step Due Diligence On A Multifamily Property Any experienced investor will tell you how significant it is to…

24 August 2020

How Much Money Do Apartment Building Owners Make

The majority of investors are hard wired to focus on the short-term benefits and returns of an investment, while not appreciating or understanding the…

12 August 2020

The Seven Levels of Building a Successful Multifamily Real Estate Business

When Jake & I decided to join forces and create the Jake & Gino community back in 2014, I was still working at my…

8 July 2020

Four Phases of Financial Freedom

In this article, Jake & I are going to talk about the four phases to achieving Financial Freedom. Now, it’s much easier to look…

30 June 2020

7 Biggest Learning Lessons From Investing In Our First Rental Property

By Greg And Rachel Schwartz, Jake and Gino Members since 2019 We’ve learned a lot since jumping into real estate full time. After 9…

2 June 2020

Top 5 Risks When You Don’t Have A Mentor

In this article, we will identify the top five risks associated with not utilizing a mentor or education platform. We have learned through our…

27 May 2020

What Are The Four Energy Blocks And How Are They Holding You Back

The goal of an IPEC (Institute of Professional Excellence) coach is to have a complete understanding of what a client wants, what is blocking…

25 May 2020

How to Generate $10,000 in Passive Income Every Month through Multifamily Real Estate

By Gino Barbaro When we talk about financial freedom, people seem to think of $10,000 as the magic number. This seems to be the…

7 May 2020

Is This The Right Time To Get Into Multifamily?

By Gino Barbaro The number one question that I get from either Jake and Gino students or potential students, or anyone learning or wanting…

23 April 2020

The 10 Biggest Mistakes I Committed When I Purchased My First Commercial Property

In November of 2016, after six months of back and forth negotiations, I purchased a 19,000 square foot mixed-use commercial building in New York.…

20 April 2020

Why Multifamily Kicks Single Family’s A$$

When I first started investing in real estate back in 2015, I went the single family house route. I saved up the down payment,…

15 April 2020

The Fountainhead of Investing: Impact of COVID-19 on CRE

By Will Coleman The Impact of COVID-19. It is no doubt that we are all witnessing history. While the long-term impact of COVID-19 as…

12 April 2020

“Unit Mix” For Multifamily Investors

Rules of Thumb, Part 1. In the previous article, we defined what an investing rule of thumb was and how they were useful in…

7 April 2020

Never Split The Difference By Chris Voss

Every once in a while, you pick up a book and have doubts about the value that it will deliver to you. I was…

3 July 2019

Start Building Your Dream & Own Your Story

By Jadde Rowe, Jake & Gino member since 2019 “This is my two-week notice.” I could not believe these words were coming from my mouth after a successful two-year career as a young recent University graduate. I remember calling my mom on the way home asking, “Do you trust me, do you care about me, do you […]

Start Building Your Dream & Own Your Story

By Jadde Rowe, Jake & Gino member since 2019 “This is my two-week notice.” I could not believe these words were coming from my…

18 June 2019

My First Real Estate Equity Raise in Retrospect

By Gwyeth Smith, Jake & Gino member since 2019 “Congratulations, you can now take possession of Brooklawn Apartments.” There was no hiding the smile…

14 June 2019

How To Buy Your First 25-Unit Apartment Complex

“You gotta walk through the Courtyard to get to the Hammond” In the winter of 2013, Jake and I purchased our first apartment complex,…

30 April 2019

5 Things Quitting (One) of My Jobs Allowed Me To Do

By Aaron Nelson, Jake & Gino member since 2018 At 4 pm on Friday, April 12, I turned off my company-provided laptop and let out a big sigh of relief. Three weeks prior, I had put in notice to resign from my 40 hour per week W2 job as a pharmacist, and my last day…

16 November 2018

The Five Step Framework For Achieving Success In Real Estate And Life

My life was filled with several limiting beliefs that were holding me back from attaining success. My first limiting belief was that if you…

9 May 2018

Nine Reasons Why Having a Big Family & Investing in Multifamily Real Estate are Similar

I remember vividly the feelings of absolute joy and fear when my first child was born. I was ecstatic to usher our first baby…

4 March 2018

Multifaceted Multifamily: Creating Multiple Streams of Revenue In Your Multifamily Business

The goal of any entrepreneur is to build a business that can be scaled and can eventually turn into a passive investment. Entrepreneurs are…

3 November 2017

The One Thing By Gary Keller and Jay Papasan

I was introduced to the book The One Thing by a fellow entrepreneur who was a guest on our podcast. I am always on…

3 October 2017

A Roadmap For Buying Your Next Apartment

When I made the jump to multifamily investing, I was unsure of the steps I needed to take to get into my first deal.…

20 September 2017

The Millionaire Fastlane By MJ DeMarco

Have you ever started reading a book that made you feel uncomfortable and pushed you to reassess your business or your life? When I…

19 September 2017

The Miracle Morning For Entrepreneurs By Hal Elrod and Cameron Herold

I was introduced to the Miracle Morning For Entrepreneurs from a highly successful podcast guest, and I wasted no time in ordering my copy.…

23 August 2017

Wealth Can’t Wait By David Osborn and Paul Morris

David and Paul have teamed up to write the book Wealth Can’t Wait to share their decades of wealth building experience with any entrepreneur…

17 August 2017

How to Increase Performance Dramatically with Positive Self-Concept

Have you ever stopped and wondered why you excel at certain tasks in life and fail miserably at others? Is it luck, experience, a…

31 July 2017

Three Types of People Every Entrepreneur Needs On His Or Her Team

I have been blessed the past couple of months to be able to interview some inspiring entrepreneurs on the Wheelbarrow Profits podcast, and I’ve…

22 July 2017

5 Great Empowering Questions To Ask When You’re Stuck

Have you ever been cruising through life, when all of a sudden, you hit a wall? I experienced this feeling of being stuck shortly…

16 June 2017

Your Multifamily Investing Questions Answered

As investors and educators, Jake & I fall into the trap of thinking that we know what our member’s pain points are. The only…

4 June 2017

How to Buy First Multifamily Property

Welcome to the ultimate podcaster’s roadmap on how to buy your first multifamily property. In this article, we have compiled podcasts, You Tube videos, and…

16 May 2017

Investment Realty – Property Classification

Rules of Thumb, Part 2. In our previous article, we focused on unit mix and the importance of choosing an apartment complex with the…

8 May 2017

5 Questions To Ask When Buying Multifamily Real Estate

As we progress deeper into the current real estate cycle, most Jake and Gino members I interact with are asking the question: “When (not…

1 March 2017

Five Skills Every Multifamily Investor Should Develop

Napoleon Hill, the author of Think And Grow Rich, created a framework of success that the reader could follow by establishing his thirteen steps…

17 January 2017

Why Multifamily Units are Crushing the Market

How to Use The Four Market Phases To Buy Right Have you noticed all the real estate television shows are focused solely on fixing…

4 January 2017

A Property Inspection: How To Use One To Your Advantage and Why You Need To Perform One

Two of the most important, yet often overlooked words in investing are “Due Diligence”. To the savvy investor, due diligence is the period of…

20 December 2016

Quit Your Job by Creating A Plan to Invest In Multifamily Real Estate

The year was 2011. My business was floundering and I was working just as many hours but earning less. Does that sound familiar? I…

6 December 2016

Why You Should Spend Money For Your Real Estate Education

I attribute all of my success in the real estate space to receiving a thorough education through mentors, coaches and training programs. The education…

30 November 2016

How to Influence An Outcome By Using The Three Essential Variables of Negotiation

Negotiation is simply defined as the act or process of having a discussion in order to reach an agreement. An individual is trying to…

7 November 2016

How You Can Summon Motivation When You Need It

Motivation is defined as “the act or process of giving someone a reason for doing something”. I have come to define motivation as a…

19 October 2016

My Advice To Those Thinking About Giving Up

Do you ever find yourself stuck, with thoughts of doubt and anxiety creeping in? Don’t know what the next step is? This is a…

21 September 2016

A Letter To My 30 Year Old Self

As I approach my first year since “retiring” from my restaurant business, I decided to reflect back and analyze the path I took to…

14 September 2016

The Steps I Took To Owning 674 Multifamily Real Estate Units

I wish I could say that I woke up one morning and God had bestowed upon me 674 multifamily real estate units. Unfortunately, life…

7 September 2016

9 Negotiation Techniques To Help You Close The Deal

Two of the biggest myths in business are: “He or she was a born negotiator” and my favorite “That guy is a natural born…

17 August 2016

How To Successfully Negotiate Your Next Real Estate Deal

One of the keys to a successful life is your ability to negotiate and convey your “side of the story” to others. I learned…

10 August 2016

How You Can Avoid Our 13 Biggest Mistakes, Part 3

Entrepreneurs will tell you that they learn more from their mistakes than their successes. My definition of an entrepreneur is a person who has…

30 June 2016

The Seven Steps To Success In Real Estate, Part 3

In the second ARTICLE, I laid out the next three steps to achieving success in real estate. My goal here is to dive into…

22 June 2016

The Seven Steps To Success In Real Estate Part 2

In the first ARTICLE, I laid out the seven steps to achieving success in real estate. I expanded upon the first two steps, and…

16 June 2016

The Seven Steps To Success in Real Estate

Starting a new venture can be one of the most daunting tasks, especially an undertaking that involves money and risk. If you begin a…

29 May 2016

The Gateway To Multifamily Real Estate

In life, it is always difficult to begin a new journey or eliminate a bad habit. Our habits become a part of our physiology…

25 May 2016

Our 13 Biggest Mistakes Investing to 675 Units in Real Estate

And How You Can Avoid Them One of the major foundation principles that I learned while attending IPEC (Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching)…

11 May 2016

Jake and Gino’s Three-Step Framework For Performing Due Diligence

Any experienced investor will tell you that due diligence are two of the most important words in investing. Due diligence is defined by Investopedia…

27 April 2016

What Is Rat Race And How You Can Exit This Race

The rat race conjures many different ideas and definitions, but it affects all of us in a similar manner. I simply define it as…

19 April 2016

The Three-Step Repositioning Process For Adding Value To Your Multifamily Properties

The number one goal when investing in multifamily real estate and to explode your wealth is to increase the Net Operating Income (NOI). Let…

6 April 2016

Property Classification Rule of Thumb

In our previous article, we focused on unit mix and the importance of choosing an apartment complex with the most beneficial unit mix. In…

31 March 2016

Real Estate Investing for Beginners: The Top Five Things You Need To Know To Avoid Losing Money

Real estate investing may appear to be complex for beginners, but no great things come easy in life. I officially began my real estate…

23 March 2016

“Unit Mix” Rule of Thumb for Multifamily Investors

In the previous article, we defined what an investing rule of thumb was and how they were useful in real estate investing. A rule…

16 March 2016

How to Get Started Investing in Real Estate

What is holding you back from investing in real estate? Is it not having enough money, short on time, lack of experience, fear, or…

24 February 2016

What is a Rule of Thumb and How Can it Help your Real Estate Investing

When it comes to investing in real estate, it’s not as complicated as some make it out to be. Investopedia defines a rule of…

16 January 2016

Why You Need to Use Our Credibility Book to Find and Close Your Real Estate Deals

One of the biggest complaints I hear from real estate investors is “Where do I find the money for my down payment?” Although this…

1 January 2016

What is an Empowering Question and Why You Need to Use Them to Connect with Others

An empowering question is a thought provoking, open ended, challenging question that allows a person to look for answers and new opportunities. Tony Robbins…

21 December 2015

Six Steps You Need to Follow to Acquire Wealth

As I was rereading Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich”, I came across a fantastic method of training your mind to acquire money. The…

9 December 2015

A Powerful Formula Every Real Estate Investor Needs to Use to Create Wealth

There are dozens of formulas that real estate investors use every day to analyze their deals, such as cash on cash return, or cap…

8 December 2015

Why Invest In Multifamily

In this Time For Action Tuesday, Jake and Gino share with you the main reasons why investing in multifamily real estate makes sense if…

1 December 2015

The Seven Steps to Goal Setting, Part 2

In the previous article, we introduced the seven steps to goal setting. We discussed the first three steps: Decide what your goals / objectives…

11 November 2015

Gino’s $300,000 Mistake, And How You Can Avoid Those Mistakes

In this week’s Time For Action Tuesday, Gino explains the major mistakes he made in multifamily investing and what you need to do to…

6 July 2015

Analyzing Vacancy Loss

Rules of Thumb #8 Analyzing Vacancy Loss and How to Hold Real Estate In this article, we would like to discuss what type of…

30 May 2015

And More Due Diligence Items On Your Checklist

Rules of Thumb, Part 4 (continued) In our previous article, we discussed the importance of gathering utility bills, insurance documents, outstanding work orders and…

22 May 2015

How to Conduct Multifamily Apartment Due Diligence

Rules of Thumb, Part 4. Any experienced investor will tell you how significant it is to know how to conduct multifamily apartment due diligence.…

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