Dr. Orman’s Life Changing Anger Cure: Eliminate Unwanted Anger for a Happier Life

Feeling constantly on edge? Does anger simmer beneath the surface, ready to erupt at a moment’s notice? You’re not alone. But what if there was a way to eliminate anger, not just manage it?

Dr. Mort Orman, an internal medicine physician and anger elimination expert and author of Life Changing Anger Cure, offers a fresh perspective on this common emotion. He has been a medical doctor for over forty years, yet, a ten-year-old can understand and implement his content. He has done an excellent job in speaking in layman’s terms, but delivering a powerful antidote to removing anger from one’s life.  Dr. Mort has helped thousands of people overcome their issue of anger. How?

Traditional methods focus on managing anger after it arises. Dr. Orman, however, proposes tackling the root cause. He argues that anger stems from a four-step process:

– Someone did something they shouldn’t have.

– Someone was hurt, harmed, humiliated, embarrassed, offended, disappointed, or otherwise inconvenienced by what was done.

– Some person or persons (other than myself) were unilaterally responsible (to blame) for #1 and #2.

– The offending person or persons should acknowledge what they dd wrong, offer to make amends, and/or be punished.

The key to eliminating anger lies in interrupting this process. By challenging our initial negative perceptions, we can short-circuit the chain reaction that leads to anger. Our brains filter all the information that we receive, and we see the world through the filters we have created. Have you ever heard someone say “my truth”. It’s their brain filtering information and them creating their own perceptions about the event.

Dr. Orman suggests a simple yet powerful technique: write down your negative thoughts. Externalizing these thoughts allows you to examine them objectively. Are they truly accurate reflections of reality, or are they distorted filters through which you view the world?

Dr. Orman came over the house and hosted a workshop with our family. The kids were able to learn the framework, and when Dr. Orman left, we were able to reflect upon the day. We all began to look at anger in a different light, and witnessed how our filters played a key role in understanding why we get angry.

You can do this with your kids or friends and family. Ask them when they had a bout of anger, and walk them through the four-step framework. You’ll begin to realize how anger makes us feel justified, and being willing to admit fault is a huge step forward to tackling your anger.

But what I love most, is that it’s great to know why we get angry. Dr. Mort explains in the book what you can do to alleviate or even remove anger from your life.

This approach empowers you to take control of your anger. Dr. Orman believes that most people can eliminate most of their anger by simply understanding its root cause.

Ready to learn more? Dr. Orman is passionate about sharing his knowledge. If you are ready to take the next step, grab your copy at Amazon.

Connect with Dr. Orman on social media by searching for Dr. Mort Orman or visit his website at Doc Orman.

Don’t let anger control you. Take charge and create a calmer, happier life with Dr. Orman’s simple formula.


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