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Get Ready to Make the BIGGEST Move of Your Life with Ryan & Dr Francesca Byrne

Ryan and Dr. Francesca Byrne asked themselves “whats the best place for real estate investing?” And made the decision to leave California and move to Dallas, Texas. Before the move they consulted Julia Barbaro who just so happens to be an expert at dealing with families going through large changes.

Once they talked to Julia they felt a reaffirmation and a clarity to the change they were about to make. With their family and friends’ support they started their journey. Their oldest child had felt the fear of the unknown but with the promise of a new dog at the end of the journey they all headed off to Dallas.

Once they arrived Ryan and Francesca integrated into Ryan’s real estate business and the two love to work together. Dr. Francesca had exposure to busy professionals that wanted to put their money to work and Ryan’s Cash Flow Capital Club was the answer to their needs. Part of the couple’s magic is that their dynamic works perfectly, Dr. Francesca on-boards the potential clients and when she feels they’re ready to meet with Ryan she makes the introduction. The “Gravy to his Potatoes” as Ryan put it. To make it even better Francesca was Ryan’s target market and the perfect model to base his business around.

Cash Flow Capital Club started with their friends and family. They had no idea what the appetite for it might be, the couple saw multifamily as a gift they could give to people since it has done so much for them. High performing and low risk profiles are the name of their game and they’re always available to investors to answer questions.

In the move Ryan and Dr. Francesca learned that once you’re clear on your mission statement, and your moral values you’ll know when the right time to take action is. Success leaves clues and wether you’re a beginner asking how to invest in multifamily real estate. Or your a medical professional wondering what are the tax benefits from multifamily real estate investing? You can rest assured you’ve come to the right place.

Get ahold of Dr. Francesca and Ryan at: https://CashFlowCapitalClub.com

00:00 – Intro
01:15 – Guest Intro
01:16 – Leaving California – A Big Move
01:22 – Family & Friends Reactions
01:26 – How The Relationship Has changed Since the Big Move
01:28 – Gino Shares His Pivotal “I’m Done” Moment
01:29 – Ryan and Francesca’s Pivotal Moments
01:32 – How Did the Children Adapt?
01:36 – Working / Being with Eachother
01:38 – How To Stay In Your Lane / Not Overstep
01:44 – Ryan and Francesca Expound on Their Company the Cash Flow Capital Club
01:47 – Steps To Move Forward
01:49 – Get ahold of Dr. Francesca & Ryan
01:50 – Wrap Up

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About Jake & Gino

Jake & Gino are multifamily investors, operators, and mentors who have created a vertically integrated real estate company. They control over $250M in assets under management. They have created the Jake & Gino Premier Multifamily Community to teach others a simple three-step framework for investing in multifamily real estate.

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