Gino Barbaro, co-founder of Jake & Gino, discusses key mindset shifts for successful multifamily investing. He explains how understanding your money persona — whether saver, spender, avoider, investor, or gambler — impacts wealth-building potential. Gino shares his journey from saver to real estate investor, offering insights for developing a wealth-building mindset.
In this episode, Gino Barbaro, co-founder of Jake & Gino, breaks down the mindset shifts crucial for successful multifamily investing. Discover how understanding your relationship with money can unlock your investment potential. Gino covers the common money personas — saver, spender, avoider, investor, and gambler — and how each affects your ability to build wealth. Learn from Gino’s personal journey from a prototypical saver to a multifamily real estate investor, including actionable insights for fostering a healthy, wealth-building mindset.
Key lessons include:
Gino also recommends key books that helped him, such as Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker and The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel.
Books Mentioned:
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