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How To Scale A Multifamily Portfolio [Actionable Tips]

If you’re looking to take your multifamily real estate portfolio to the next level, then this video is for you. In it, we’ll share actionable tips on how to scale your portfolio quickly and efficiently. We’ll cover topics like identifying growth opportunities, raising capital, building the right team, implementing systems and processes and more. So if you’re ready to take your business to new heights, press play and learn how to scale your multifamily portfolio today.

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About Jake & Gino

Jake & Gino are multifamily investors, operators, and mentors who have created a vertically integrated real estate company. They control over $250M in assets under management. They have created the Jake & Gino Premier Multifamily Community to teach others a simple three-step framework for investing in multifamily real estate.

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Sign up for free training: https://jakeandgino.mykajabi.com/freetraining

The resources you need to succeed at every level of apartment investing: https://blue.genetechz.com/jake-and-gino_old_site/resources/ 

Apply for Mentorship: https://blue.genetechz.com/jake-and-gino_old_site/apply/ 

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More ways to engage with the Jake & Gino Investor Community:

MM5: https://blue.genetechz.com/jake-and-gino_old_site/mm5/
Rand Cares: https://blue.genetechz.com/jake-and-gino_old_site/randcares/
The 100 Year Real Estate Investor: https://www.dualassetstrategy.com

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