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MFZ – Strengthening Your Marriage With Julia & Gino

Julia and Gino share with the listeners what has helped them strengthen their relationship the past twenty plus years. And we know that Gino needed a LOT of help. But, he loved his wife and was willing to look at his shortcomings and become a better husband and father.

Some of Julia’s recommendations included:

  • Choose to love each other even when you are struggling.
  • Always answer the phone when your spouse is calling.
  • Make time together a priority.
  • Surround yourself with friends who will support your marriage.
  • Make laughter the soundtrack of marriage.
  • Marriage isn’t 50/50. Sometimes, one of the spouses has to pick up the slack.

The marriage outline includes Awareness, Vision, Assessment, and Obstacles. Questions that you need to ask yourself:

  1. Where am I now?
  2. Where do I think my spouse is now?
  3. What does our marriage look like?
  4. What needs to change in myself?
  5. What are we willing to start doing or give up to achieve this outcome?
  6. What is in the way of change?
  7. Am I being honest with myself?

We are all the authors of our lives, and we can write the script of a beautiful marriage, but we need to work on it daily. As Julia likes to say, a “perfect” marriage is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.”

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