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Term Life vs. Whole Life and Renting vs. Owning A Home with Jake & Gino

In this episode, Jake and Gino talk about the pros and cons of renting assets versus owning assets, and how this analogy compares to Term Life Insurance versus Whole Life Insurance. Below is one of the top misconceptions about Term Life vs. Whole Life.

MYTH: It’s better to buy term life insurance and invest the difference.

BUSTED: Real Estate Investors know better than anyone that it is better to OWN than to RENT. Why rent your insurance when you can own it and benefit from the equity built inside your policy?

You may have heard people suggest “buying term and investing the difference”, but investing in the market involves risk. As a Real Estate Investor, you’re already taking a lot of risk. Does it really make sense to take risk with your safe money as well?

With the specially-design of our Whole Life Insurance policies, you know the minimum, guaranteed value of your policy at any given year, as well as the minimum cash value you could borrow. There is no guessing game! Something that is simply not a luxury with “investing the difference”.

Key Insights:

00:00 Owning property versus Renting property

01:25 Developing a 100 Year Investor Mindset

02:20 The Honey Bee: Creating Multiple Streams of Revenue

04:56 How to optimize your personal finances

07:09 Benefits of long-term personal financial engineering

09:08 Creating a legacy and generational wealth for your family

11:44 Your mindset matters and directly relates to your financial success

Email gino@jakeandgino.com to get the PDF copy of The Honey Bee.

Download our eBook on how you can leverage our Dual Asset Strategy to secure your financial future: https://100yearrei.com/ebook-download/

Let our Team run the numbers for you and see how we can help protect your financial future for generations to come. Schedule your consultation now: https://100yearrei.com/callnow/

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