Think and Grow Rich

Napoleon Hill published his amazingly popular book back in 1937, and the message is just as relevant today as it was back then. It has sold over one hundred million copies worldwide, and most successful entrepreneurs we interview for our podcast point to this book as the breakthrough for their personal development. All of the successful motivational speakers and coaches utilize the principles that Hill espouses throughout the book.

Most people begin to read the book because they want to learn the secret to acquiring riches. I think the reader can use the framework that Hill lays out to achieve any goal in their life. I would like to outline the thirteen steps towards riches and several key points that the author makes throughout the book.

1. Desire
2. Faith
3. Auto Suggestion
4. Specialized Knowledge
5. Imagination
6. Organized Planning
7. Decision
8. Persistence
9. Mastermind
10. Sex Transmutation
11. Subconscious Mind
12. The Brain
13. The Sixth Sense

What I found to be very powerful in the book was all of the stories intertwined amongst the steps. It shows the reader how to incorporate these steps into their plan and invoke the “infinite intelligence.” For instance, the story of Thomas Edison and his amazing desire and persistence to create the light bulb gives a real life example on how to employ the thirteen steps.

The author was able to take real life examples of wealthy individuals and discuss how they attained their wealth. Napoleon Hill even discusses the trials and tribulations that he overcame to dedicate almost twenty five years of his life to bring this timeless classic to fruition.

All of the steps are vitally important to follow, but I feel that the mastermind is one of the most underutilized strategies in this day and age. I was fortunate to fall into a mastermind by accident, but it has served me extremely well the past few years. I credit my partnership with Jake as a sort of mastermind, where we both bring energy, skill and passion to our partnership, and in turn, we both derive the benefits of another working towards a common goal. We often hear that it is important to surround yourself with intelligent, motivated individuals. Hill speaks eloquently of this topic in his book, and the reader should heed his advice.

Think and Grow Rich is the perfect book to begin reading as the New Year is ushered in. Start to formulate a plan for yourself to attain your goals and what you want to accomplish in your life. Follow the path that Hill has laid out for you in this book!

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