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WBP – How To Overcome Fixed Mindset With Eduardo Briceño

On this episode, Jake and Gino talk with Eduardo Briceño. Briceño is a frequent keynote speaker at leading conferences and facilitates workshops at in-house convenings for professionals and executives. His two TEDx talks, “The power of belief” and “How to get better at the things you care about,” have each been viewed more than three million times.

“If you want to change your circumstances, make a difference and live a happier life, cultivate a growth mindset.”

The key takeaways from the Podcast include the following:

  • Cultivate a growth mindset. Keep learning. Don’t rest on your laurels and keep moving ahead.
  • Fixed mindset prevents us from moving past the status quo. Growth mindset seeks ways to get better.
  • Fixed mindset tends to make excuses and focuses on external factors that can’t be controlled, on the other hand, growth mindset looks for ways to improve and grow.
  • Growth mindset takes on challenges.
  • Strike a balance between learning and performance.

Learn more about Eduardo Briceño: www.wiringgrowth.com

Learn more about Jake & Gino: www.jakeandgino.com

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