Flip The Script

In my experience, it is difficult for a sequel to deliver more value or have more of an impact than the original.  You usually get some of the same concepts revisited from the first one, and a few new ideas to satisfy the consumer. Not so with Oren Klaff’s new book Flip The Script.  

Checkout the Podcast with Oren Klaff: 

Oren’s first book Pitch Anything created a framework to help investors understand how to raise capital, and then gave them the tools to create their own pitch. Flip The Script expands on his first book and introduces new concepts to teach the reader how not to sell your product, but to have the buyer desire your product.

In this article, I am going to dive into Oren’s new methods for closing deals and in his own words “plant your idea in the mind of another so they will discover it, appreciate it, and fall in love with it on their own.” We were fortunate to have Oren on our podcast to describe these methods. Listen to our podcast episode with Oren Klaff.

Oren Klaff Podcast Flip The Script

You can also click here to read our book review on Pitch Anything:

One of Oren’s gifts as a writer is to take a complex topic, such as Inception or brain formation, and describe the topics in an elementary fashion so that the reader can not only comprehend the topic, but apply the knowledge and grow their business.  How does he accomplish this?  Through years and years of doing deals, and injecting story after colorful story to keep the reader engaged.

Oren begins the book by introducing and defining the term Inception, which is implanting an idea in someone’s mind so that they think it’s their own.  His main thesis through the book is that today’s products are bought, not sold.  The traditional sales methods just do not work any longer in today’s market because the consumer is armed with information about your product and can spend a few minutes online comparing you to the market. Think of Tom Sawyer negotiating with his friends and getting them to see how much fun it would be to paint the fence. Inception!!

This is what was so compelling to me about Oren’s message, to have the customer decide for themselves that your product would be a good fit without having to brow beat them for the sale.  Oren introduces tools in his book for you to create Inception:

  • Status alignment
  • The Flash Roll
  • Pre wired ideas
  • Plain vanilla
  • Buyer’s formula

I would like to dive into the first two, and show you how powerful Oren’s concepts are to you refining your pitch. In the status alignment, the goal is to align your status with whomever you are trying to pitch. If your customer senses that you are inferior, your pitch will fall upon deaf ears.

Listen to the audio summary of this Review:

I can give you an example of Status Alignment with an entrepreneur trying to grow his or her company. If the entrepreneur is not perceived to be the leader, and is too easily accessible, his status will be diminished. Status alignment is achieved when you are in front of a decision maker and one who understands your situation and can resolve it. Oren has a couple of excellent stories that illustrates status alignment.

The flash roll is one of my favorite ways to establish authority by delivering a concise script to your listener that highlights your expertise on your topic.  Oren does a fantastic job on how you can create your own personal flash roll.  The Jake & Gino flash roll would sound something like this:

“We run a vertically integrated real estate company that work in a symbiotic relationship that maximizes value for our entire customer base, from the residents we serve in property management, to the J&G students who are crushing it and have closed over a half a billion dollars in real estate, and to our investors, who are equity partners in our deals. The multifaceted multifamily approach of creating multiple streams of revenue through the various entities has been a game changer for our community.”

The methods that Oren has presented throughout his book work wonders on my kids as well.  Pitching them an idea like cleaning their room, and then getting zero pushback AND having them think it was their idea should make any parent run to the store and buy multiple copies and share with friends.

Let me make it easy for you. All you need to do is click the link and you’ll be on your way to Inception:

Flip The Script

Please share with me any of these methods that you used on your kids with success.

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