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We Quit Our Jobs! Here’s Why

Jake & Gino are multifamily investors, operators, and mentors who have created a vertically integrated real estate company that controls over $175,000,000 in assets under management. They have created the Jake & Gino community to teach others their three-step framework: Buy Right, Finance Right and Manage Right®, and to become multifamily entrepreneurs.

In this episode, Jake and Gino talk about the reasons people leave their jobs.

Key points:

You cannot create time.
In jobs, we trade our time for dollars. Most times, jobs don’t fulfil our aspirations to create wealth, with time freedom.
Figure out your ‘Why’. That will drive your life, whether you want to continue in your full-time jobs or want to be an entrepreneur.

Check out the full video to learn more.

Get more resources on apartment investing: https://jakeandgino.com/education/

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