Having reliable passive streams of income gives you more than financial freedom – it gives you time to follow your larger purpose and passions, and things that you wanted to do. That is why John wanted to be the Rent Guy!
In this episode, Jake and Gino talk with John Dessauer. John is dedicated to helping others to achieve freedom through entrepreneurial spirit. Former National Radio Show Host of the Show Making Millions in Real Estate on XM Satellite Radio, his new national show on a station owned by Dessauer Media, Inc. is gaining a significant following. On his radio shows he talks about topics such as investing, simplicity, and being creative with business life.
He has authored two books on Real Estate and Wealth Building, Real Estate H2O( 2008 Dessauer Publishing, Inc.) and The Alchemy of Wealth (2009 Dessauer Publishing, Inc.) He is currently writing his third book, The Twist, which should be out in 2011. John has been featured in national publications such as New York Post, Los Angeles Times, and Success Magazine.
Here are some of the key takeaways:
Listen to the Podcast to learn more.
Check out John’s books and resources: https://www.johndessauer.com/
Learn more about Jake & Gino: www.jakeandgino.com
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