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Become The Modern Leader w/ JeVon McCormick

On this episode, Jake and Gino are with JeVon McCormick, an American author, highly sought-after keynote speaker and businessman. Recently named best CEO in Austin, TX, JeVon is passionate about conscious entrepreneurship and creating opportunities for at-risk youth. He has mentored young men and women in the juvenile justice system, as well as those in lower economic communities.

Jake and Gino with JeVon talk about how he became the best CEO and what it takes to secure the number one spot for top company culture in America. He shares his childhood challenges and incidences and how those incidences served as a base for his success. He speaks about his practices at his own company and his belief of putting people first.

JeVon currently serves as a board member for Conscious Capitalism and the StartEdUp Foundation. His story and work have been featured on CNBC, and in Entrepreneur, Forbes, and Inc. magazines.

Key Insights:

00:00 Introduction
01:38 What it takes to have the #1 spot for top company culture in America
06:17 Challenges then and now
08:28 When you have a family and a dad, you don’t need a company to create impact
13:36 How to put people first?
17:46 Key to pull yourself out of negative surroundings
23:24 What makes a good leader?
28:40 Profit is the fuel, not the destination
32:08 Virtue signaling
38:06 People see the world as they are and not how it is
42:17 Diet and fitness routine
46:15 Workout with David Goggins
54:04 People and profits can live together
55:00 Wrap-up

Check out the books authored by JeVon: https://www.amazon.in/JeVon-McCormick/e/B01N1SAKP8/ref=aufs_dp_fta_dsk
To know more about his initiatives, visit https://scribemedia.com/

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About Jake & Gino
Jake & Gino are multifamily investors, operators, and mentors who have created a vertically integrated real estate company. They control over $250M in assets under management. They have created the Jake & Gino Premier Multifamily Community to teach others a simple three-step framework for investing in multifamily real estate.

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