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Don’t Invest in Multifamily Until You Hear This

In this episode, Jake and Gino talk about the most significant aspects of Multifamily Investing, right from choosing the tried-and-tested framework to closing the deals and scaling up with confidence.

Multifamily investing can be one of the most rewarding financial decisions in your life and all you need is to take the right steps. Listen to the Podcast to learn how to shape up your Multifamily Investing journey.

Here are some of the key takeaways:

  • Learn how to use debt to leverage, create assets with positive cash flow and grow.
  • Understand how market cycle works vis-a-vis real estate and the economy.
  • Educate yourself and surround yourself with like-minded people who are doing it successfully. Learn as much as you can.
  • Decide on your goals and purpose. For instance, figure out whether you want to be a passive investor or want to be actively involved.
  • Know about the exit strategies and how to scale up in order to create generational wealth.

Remember if Jake and Gino can do it, you can do it too.

Listen to the Podcast to learn more.


Learn more about Jake & Gino: www.jakeandgino.com

Apply for limited time, complimentary multifamily investing training: https://bityl.co/6v71

Apply for Mentorship: https://bityl.co/6v76

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