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How Leadership (Actually) Works w/ Larry Yatch

Larry Yatch provides his insider view of being a Seal and how that became a base for him to create Seal success programs. He shares his journey of transitioning from a Navy Seal to an elite leadership strategist. Larry explains the missing component in organizations that is becoming the impediment for organizations to achieve the common goal. Brotherhood and coordinated action at the highest levels is what he explains are the keys for building great teams to realize success.

In addition to numerous military honors, Larry is recognized as the go-to expert in leadership development, team performance, and project management.

Key Insights:

00:40 The AHA! Moment
01:01 Introduction
04:24 The missing component in organizations for building a strong team and connections
09:15 Getting over the feeling of purposelessness
12:30 Clear mission with coordinated action at the highest level is what that brings success
14:44 How can managers create successful and effective leaders?
18:45 Building connectivity and culture while working remotely
24:36 Coordinated action with the community produces the feeling of accomplishment and success
28:49 Leadership at core is influencing behavior change
32:56 No, why of no and how of yes, for doing the things
39:41 How to’s of hiring the right people
41:55 Optimized daily routine for Larry
45:20 Recommended book
47:54 Discipline is freedom
50:55 Wrap-up

To know more about Larry’s initiative, visit https://www.howleadershipactuallyworks.com/

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Jake & Gino are multifamily investors, operators, and mentors who have created a vertically integrated real estate company that controls over $225,000,000 in assets under management. They have created the Jake & Gino community to teach others their three-step framework: Buy Right, Finance Right and Manage Right®, and to become multifamily entrepreneurs.

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