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How To Create a Positive Family Culture | The Importance of Continuing Family Traditions

Julia and Gino are out in Italy to celebrate their 24th wedding anniversary with their family. The couple holds high regards for the family culture and traditions and that is what they share in this episode- the importance of family traditions.

As the time is passing by, we are losing our traditions. Thankfully ‘Thanks Giving’ is still a part of US traditions which is followed by the Americans. Besides that, we all have unique family traditions as well, which we need to keep hold of and continue following them for our children, for them to understand the values of family and traditions.


Gino shares how we should have the vision for our family to look like in the future and how we can work towards it through the old family traditions as well as by bringing up the new ones.

Key Insights:

00:00 Introduction: What are your family traditions?
02:08 Most effective way to have quality time with your family
06:23 Life is all about creating lasting memories and influencing your children to let them know the importance of the family
10:25 Having the vision of how you want your family to look like to be

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Jake & Gino are multifamily investors, operators, and mentors who have created a vertically integrated real estate company that controls over $225,000,000 in assets under management. They have created the Jake & Gino community to teach others their three-step framework: Buy Right, Finance Right and Manage Right®, and to become multifamily entrepreneurs.

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