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MNS – The Three T’s with Hendra & Mercy Tambunan

Welcome to the Movers and Shakers Podcast. In this episode, learn how Hendra & Mercy use the 3 T’s, (Time, Treasure & Talent) to create success in Multifamily Real Estate.

Coming as a foreign student to the US, Hendra & Mercy earned their degree from San Francisco State University. After graduation, Hendra has worked in Pre-IPO startups, Fortune 50, and Big 4 corporations while Mercy worked in the hospitality industry and successfully operated multiple restaurants.

After investing in Single Family on the side to save for their son’s college fund, they realized that it’s not scalable fast enough. It prompted Hendra & Mercy to start looking into Multifamily by late 2018 and finally decide to jump in by mid-2019 with Jake & Gino.

To date, Hendra & Mercy have been involved in 4 projects with a total of 771 units as both General and Limited Partners.

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