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Rolling the Dice with Whole Life

On this episode, Teresa, Jake and Gino, the co-founders of 100-Year Real Estate Investor, talk about the whole life insurance and how it helps to reduce the risk in various ways.

Is it worth it to put all your dollars to risk? Absolutely not. The whole life insurance, unlike term insurance which involves opportunity cost, provides protection against unfortunate events and protects your assets as well in the long run. Whole life insurance is all about longtermism. Alongside providing cash value, it provides pool of money to tap into as loan, when required.

Educate yourself more on kind of life insurance policy you would like to own. This is how wealthier people utilize the whole life and get the maximum out of it even during the most volatile situation in the economy.


Key Insights:

00:00 Introduction
02:10 Having money reserves in volatile market mental lets you leverage
05:36 How does life insurance policy work?
09:29 Life insurance policy sales up during COVID
13:28 How whole life policy protects your assets?
18:05 Are the insurance companies transactional or relational?
22:29 Wealthier people are doing it differently- how?
23:40 Wrap-up

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About Jake & Gino

Jake & Gino are multifamily investors, operators, and mentors who have created a vertically integrated real estate company that controls over $175,000,000 in assets under management. They have created the Jake & Gino community to teach others their three-step framework: Buy Right, Finance Right and Manage Right®, and to become multifamily entrepreneurs.

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