On this episode, Julia and Gino interview Father Leo Patalinghug. Born in the Philippines and raised in the Baltimore area, Fr. Leo actually developed his love for cooking while attending the seminary at the North American College in Rome. There, he became friendly with several Italian restaurant owners and would often invite them back to the student kitchen to trade cooking secrets. They would teach him about rigatoni and lasagna; he would show them how to make hamburgers and ribs. Today, he is a skilled cook who still enjoys learning how to make new dishes, and loves the process of preparing a meal, as much as he does sharing it with a table full of friends.
Fr. Leo is the host and founder of Grace Before Meals, an apostolate to strengthen families and communities around the dinner table. He is a priest ordained for the Archdiocese of Baltimore, serving as a sacramental and pastoral minister on a part-time basis.
00:00 Introduction
03:12 Elevating culture and family life with Plating Grace
07:44 Choosing vocation
10:30 Books authored by Father Leo
15:24 How eating can make you holy?
19:51 How to get people around dinner table and share ideas
27:22 How to handle emotions when conversations get heated
30:15 Wrap-up
To know more about Father Leo Patalinghug, visit https://platinggrace.com/
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