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Utilizing Systems to Grow your Business with Brian Scudamore

Brian Scudamore is the founder and CEO of O2E Brands, the banner company for 1-800-GOT-JUNK?, WOW 1 DAY PAINTING, You Move Me, and Shack Shine.

Brian is a serial entrepreneur, known for pioneering the professional junk hauling industry with 1-800-GOT-JUNK?. Since conquering that market, he’s gone on to apply the O2E (ordinary to exceptional) formula to the painting, moving, and home-detailing industry with WOW 1 DAY PAINTING, You Move Me, and Shack Shine.

Currently, he’s at the helm of a burgeoning home-service empire; each brand has franchise locations in every major metro in North America and Australia. He’s a respected industry leader and speaker, well-known in the business community for his belief in people and passion for innovation.

Also read: Turning One Deal into Multiple Deals w/ Bruce Petersen

His companies have made celebrated appearances on ABC Nightline, Good Morning America, Dr. Phil, CNN, The Today Show, Oprah, and CNBC. Brian’s story has been featured in Fortune Magazine, The New York Times, Huffington Post, The Wall Street Journal, and he contributes regularly to other noteworthy publications.

Brian is a strong believer in ongoing personal and professional development, and has attended programs offered by MIT for several years. If he’s not launching a new brand or coming up with a new, big idea, he’s biking or hanging out with his family in Vancouver, BC.

In this show you will discover:
-College drop outs
-Entrepreneurship’s epiphany
-Consolidating industries
-How to evaluate an opportunity
-Importance of taking action
-How to find the right people
-Hire the happy
-And much more!

Brian Scudamore


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