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Wealth Creation with The Cashflow Ninja – MC Laubscher

In this episode, we interview The Cashflow Ninja, MC Laubscher! M.C. challenges existing societal belief systems and misinformation around concepts such as money, saving, investing, wealth and retirement. He has shared these ideas as a guest on several podcasts and is a regular contributor to SteemitMedium.com, and Biggerpockets.

In this episode “The Cashflow Ninja” you will discover:

-Getting started as an investor -Finance -How to become your own best asset -Successful investing -Learning from mistakes -Investing in yourself -Control -Property Management -Cashflow -And much more! Cash Flow Ninja! Check out the podcast for iTunes: iTunes Store Check out the podcast for Android: RSS FEED If you would like to partner or invest with Jake & Gino, please fill out this form: Investor Form Also read: Turning One Deal into Multiple Deals w/ Bruce Petersen

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